Inihaw na Bangus

Inihaw na bangus
or grilled milkfish recipe is one of the most popular dish for every occasions or Pulutan for those who loves to drink beer with friends. One of the best way of cooking fresh Bangus is grilling with onion, tomato, ginger and bagoong alamang stuffing wraped in aluminum foil. The Aluminum foil traps all the juices from the fish and the stuffings which then steam infused all the flavors to the fish. The fish is moderately charred outside but really moist inside.

Serves 2-4

Preparation time: 30 mins
Cooking time: 40 mins


1 pc. about Kilo, large sized Bangus or Milkfish
2 pcs. medium tomato, chopped
1 pc. medium onion, chopped
1 thumb size ginger, minced
1/4 head garlic, chopped
1/4 cup bagoong alamang
2 pc. green sili
salt and pepper

For Soy Dip:

3-4 tablespoons Soy sauce
4 pieces Calamansi (lime)
1 to 2 pcs Siling Labuyo (Chili) (optional)

Cooking Instructions:
Clean the Bangus or Milkfish, must keep the scales intact.
Slice the back of the milkfish and remove innards leaving the stomach fats.
Season the skin and cavities with salt and pepper then set aside.
To prepare stuffing, in a bowl toss onion, ginger, tomato and bagoong alamang.
Stuff milkfish cavity with the mixture and stuff the green sili at the middle of cavity.
Wrap milkfish with aluminium foil.
Grill over charcoal for 15 to 20 minutes on each side.
Serve Hot with Soy Dip.